Golden Idea

Epoxy Stair

Epoxy Stair| Epoxy Table| Almas Turkey
Epoxy Stair| Epoxy Table| Almas Turkey

Epoxy stairs

One of the applications of epoxy is creating stairs that make a house more unique. There are various models of stairs which are with the model and material of wood and iron and stone, each of which has benefits and drawbacks corrosion and decay. However, we can develop stairs using epoxy resin which does not such a problem. In this article, we are going to talk about some advantages and disadvantages of epoxy stairs which could be beneficial for those who are working in this field.

Pro and Cons

According to the positive point which epoxy stair has, it has high resistance against hit, decay and corrosion while other types of stairs, say, the wood stair would decay and be a source of pests like the termite. Furthermore, it is customizable which means that it can be designed the way the customers want. However, the other kind of stairs cannot design as much as epoxy stairs.

Regarding drawbacks, it can be so expensive because of the resin used inside of a table in comparison with other kinds of stairs. Also, it would probably be slippery when it becomes wet.


The epoxy stair can be utilized everywhere. We utilized it in some places like house, school, office, and so on.Β  it can make a house more beautiful. We can use different models of stairs at home for example rounded stairs or transparent stairs and so on. Β 


There is various design for a stair. For example, the stair with the design of ocean, river, special design, transparent and so on. Also, we can use some wood inside of each step. This means that we can design each step with a disparate scheme. This helps us to have a beautiful design. Β 

Epoxy Stair| Epoxy Table| Almas Turkey


In conclusion, stairs are the main part of every house and office. With a beautiful design, you can boost the beauty of a house or office. Also, it can make a natural sense for a house or a school. So, it gains more fans nowadays.

You can read more about How to Detect Dried Wood and Wet Wood, Waterfall Table, Resin Tray, Wood Cleaning, Resin Aquarium, and Equipment Required for Resin.



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